Greetings of peace, welcome.
This is my first blog post. I love the fact that finally I have started my dream blog at 26. 2025 is high-time that my readers pour their eyes on a blog that talks Spiritual Productivity.
I know that there is no shortage of great blogs on the internet. I don’t care about the noise, as it is only a concept in each individual reader’s head. The apparent information overload can be navigable. It is so because self expression is always unique to each individual’s self.
I am not only a philosophical Muslim dude, but also a very practical hands-on professional writer.
This blog post shall serve two purposes. One, introduce Spiritual Productivity’s writer; and two, set expectations of the inquiry into the nature of this blog and spiritual productivity to be our best selves, dear reader.
Now, modern science has had its turn and has played its cards – in fact, some would argue that all the scientists who are not a prey of simple scientism – we know all of the cards modern science has in its hands. Thomas Kuhn’s classic would shed more light on modern science’s productivity.
For example: the mechanical clock that brought its first cultural revolution after the thirteenth century A.D. way before the printing press in the 1400s and the steam engine that revolutionized transport in the early 1700s. Nowadays, we are in the middle of Industry 4.0 shift in the west.
All of this, coming from modern science in the name of productivity.
We know the founding fathers of modern science were themselves somewhat if not profoundly spiritual at least at the individualistic level.
But the spirit in which they brought about the change did not keep it in regard: how will the spiritual productivity narrative be passed down generation to generation among the scientist community?
That’s why the meaning-crisis and stress overload and unemployment and misguidance among the masses is upon us in this century.
The blog you are reading is like the effort of the bird that tried to extinguish the fire started for Ibrahim A.S. by Nemrod.
I have bigger plans for betterment than that bird – I appreciate the effort by the bird and the effort by my reader in contributing to this betterment – the plans are:
To ask Allah to split the sea like He did to save Musa A.S. : in the context here that He drowns the pharaoh of meaninglessness that’s present in the hearts of today’s so-called post-meaning human state and changes the conditions of the hearts to a Spiritually Productive and a meaningful, conducive state.
I do all things possible to epitomise the Spiritual Productivity for my audience and help develop a rightly guided, practical mindset, which makes good systems and allows fruitful practice.
Key Takeaway
You just came to know about my goal. Help me in achieving it by reading and sharing the word. Be a bird like the bird of Ibrahim A.S. so that Allah may elevate you and change many hearts through you.
In sha Allah, I’ll find you in the next blog post coming tomorrow.