Greetings of peace, welcome.
Ala bi zikrillahi tatma`innul qulub
If you feel liberated after I have reminded you of this verse, you are among the ones who take reminders to heart. I remind because a reminder benefits.
The trend in the seen world
In the world, and especially in today’s world we see a trend of spirits being caged more and more with unsuccessful and persistent efforts to liberation. The enemy of humans – satan ar-rajim – works hard to veil truth from the hearts of humans from the earliest years we’re born.
Satan’s works are bearing foul fruit and more so since the dawn of modernity. The fight between good and evil is on. It always has been on since the inception of dunya, and the seen world.
The truth always revealed in human hearts
God always reveals truth upon the heart of every human. How it flowers varies largely depending upon how we receive the truth and in what spirit.
Spiritual Productivity is all about receiving the truth sent by God upon our hearts, understanding it, and then letting it flower with our careful actions.
For example, the truth that we all need to work for good is known by everybody… and how good everybody works shows in the community.
How to liberate our spirit
First we need to liberate our spirits on a personal level with education and tarbiyyah. And not cage ourselves with dalaalah and by losing comportment.
This can be achieved, that is, the spirit can leave its cage and fly high (in Rumi’s expression) with the following cognitive actions:
- Recognize truth
- Recognize beauty
- Recognize goodness
- Recognize God’s names
- Recognize and witness the final Prophet’s coming 1400 years ago
- Recognize your ummati status
- Recognize your responsibility of dawah as an ummati
- Recognize your responsibility of Spiritual Productivity
- Recognize your end in Jannah with God’s Mercy
Each of these cognitive actions is a topic in itself and directly relates to spiritual productivity. I shall write about each in detail in future posts.
What comes with the liberation of spirit?
Spiritual productivity comes. You truly start living to your fullest potential. You want to sustain this state of being for long. You feel good. You even feel happy and content, in the moment despite everything and in spite of everything (things you have and don’t have, don’t matter now in this state.) It is a feeling of being superhuman. It’s blissful. It’s welcoming.
The Spiritual Productivity Blog is about helping everybody in the ummat to experience this true state of being.
Key Takeaway
We shall fulfil our potential with superhuman productivity by spiritual liberation.
The rightly guided ulema are like that, because of a liberated spirit and being in a constant state of spiritual productivity.
Meaning of a hadith: A wahid Alim has more jalal by Allah, over satan than a thousand common worshippers of Allah. (Sunan Ibn Majah 222 (Book) #37124)
This then is an angle of a liberated spirit that has left the shackles of the cage behind it.
In the coming posts, I will elaborate more on how to achieve this state and sustain it.
I will elaborate the mindset, systems and practice to be spiritually productive.
In sha Allah, I’ll find you in the next blog post coming up.
This was my previous blogpost. It is named: The Nature Of Spiritual Productivity Blog